
Vaste planten











Aruncus aethusifolius
This is a slowly spreading perennial, which will gradually form dense clumps, so it makes a very effective groundcover for moist, shady beds.

Blooming time Flower colour Leaf colour Height (cm)
6 - 7 Creamy-white Green 40


Aruncus dioicus Kneiffii
This selection of Goat’s Beard is ideal for the smaller garden. Plants form a medium sized mound of finely-cut green leaves. Creamy-white plumes of flowers appear in early summer, which are useful for cutting and even drying. Kneiffii is not an easy to find selection, and deserves to be seen more in gardens.

Blooming time Flower colour Leaf colour Height (cm)
6 - 7 White dark green 75 - 90


Aruncus Guinea Fowl
Aruncussen Guinea Fowl is fixed, very hardy plant for partial shade that best what can tolerate drought. Nice cut foliage and beautiful white flower plumes.

Blooming time Flower colour Leaf colour Height (cm)
6 - 7 White dark green 60
aruncus horatio

Aruncus Horatio
They tend to look better just before flowering than when in flower as it seems that once the mass of fine pale flower buds open the start fading from off white to cram and all to quickly turn brown.
The flowers are arranged in long thin glower spikes and these start running brown along their length so that an interesting two tone effect develops that looks attractive tather than detracting from the plant elegance.

Blooming time Flower colour Leaf colour Height (cm)
6 - 7 Cream dark green 120

Aruncus Johanifest

Aruncus Johanifest
Johanisfest have male flowers. At ' Johannifest ' hang the flower spikelets within the plume graceful about it, making it appear that the bloom what is richer. They are well above the healthy deeply pinnately compound leaf.

Blooming time Flower colour Leaf colour Height (cm)
6 - 7 Off white - 90

Aruncus Waldemar Meyerii

Aruncus Waldemar Meyerii
Low growing perennial plant with beautiful outstanding flowers. The average height is 40. The flower color is off white. The flowering period is June-July. This plant is good Hardy. Recommended number of per square meter is 9

Blooming time Flower colour Leaf colour Height (cm)
6 - 7 Off white - 40

For information on supply, stocks and prices, please contact +31(0)297 593 816 or rob@hethoefblad.nl